Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 16, 2010

Watched The Princess and The Frog for the first time. Enjoyed it. Especially enjoyed watching 2 year old AJ tapping along and dancing to one of the songs. She liked it, too.

Watched Zombieland. Quirky craziness. Although I could have sworn amusement park rides required someone outside them to make them start and go. And would power plants really keep running if all the people were zombies? But, of course, logical questions like that aren't really the point.

Finished an amended tax return that I wanted to get done before I set my hand to the real thing.

Updated the Content Marketing Basics page on Leading with Content. It had been a mostly PLR placeholder before and now it looks much better and has an actual call to action, too.

March 15, 2010

Had a disappointment first thing in the morning and allowed myself to wallow in it a little bit. By lunch I was taking action on the next thing and making plans for what I would do now. It felt really good to recover instead of mope.

Put up my first new post in a while at Inventing Elephants. It was inspired by watching a bunch of HGTV, a kid-friendly addiction we discovered in the baseball off-season.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Google Takes Over the World

Google is everywhere I turn. I have a profile. They have a social service I can install on my sites. The Wave is coming out at the end of the month. And now there's this odd Sidewiki thing that gives me the option to post my comments to a Blogger blog as well.

They just keep pulling it in tighter with the potential for increasing value as they go.

So I'm giving in and starting up a Blogger blog under this account, despite already having a personal blog at my hub site.

I intend to use this more as a life-streaming type of site, announcing posts and interactions elsewhere. I'll keep my more substantial musings over on Extra Features.